Sunday, March 9Food for Social Change

Livelihood Enhancement


animal husbandry

“Imagine, if a bunch of your dairy food habits can catalyse the organic food movement; nurture local forests; enhance animal welfare; empower people and enrich village economies;Overwhelming right? Yes! Through, organizing open grazing milk producers, we will promote milk products which will support customer health & farmer welfare in our journey.”

Long Term Outcome

  1. Dairying is a part of the farming system, not a separate enterprise. Feed is mostly residual from crops, whereas cow/buffalo dung is important for manure.
  2. Dairying provides a source of regular income, whereas income from agriculture is seasonal. This regular source of income has a huge impact on minimizing risks to income. There is some indication that areas where dairy is well developed have less incidence of farmer suicide.
  3. About a third of rural incomes are dependent upon dairying.
  4. Livestock is a security asset to be sold in times of crisis.
  5. We want to see a significant change in the dairy sector where decentralized animal husbandry practices are embraced which will benefit almost everyone.
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