Sunday, March 9Food for Social Change

Tag: foodliteracy

tharunam Newsletter 3_2022

tharunam Newsletter 3_2022

Transition is hard! Obviously changing governing principles of decades old practices are time consuming, testing of patience and hard work. However, change is inevitable, only the key is transition process. Yes! In last four years, tharunam is working on a mission to impact the food choices of people and thus change the crop patterns on field level. Since, telling/suggesting people to what to eat is comfortably easy rather standing at farmer end at farm. So, at tharunam we consider farmer side intervention is also very important and have been putting quality efforts for multi crop models and agroforestry farms development. It has been 16 months since our model farm taught us best lessons about agroforestry farm and appropriate operational goals for long term impact. So, our intensive e...
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